Thursday, March 31, 2011


today, baby girl and i went to our very last baby & me yoga class at OmMama.  it was a little bittersweet for me, but leslie & i got a kick out of watching baby girl do some of her own asanas.


didn't quite catch her in plank...

let's call this a variation on half upright seated angle...


downward facing dog



  1. LOVE. Babies and yoga are perfect together. These are great pics!

    You don't have to be totally sad, though, you can do toddler yoga, right?

  2. i suppose i could, but probably won't. weekdays are hard with our crazy work schedules, so it's too difficult to commit a series class. plus i did itsy bitsy with R, and spent the majority of the time holding the door closed. sure, it could be a completely different experience this time... but what if it's not?
    so, i'll just stick to mom's sanctuary from now on. ;-)

  3. Great pics! I can see she's a natural. I did itsy bitsy with B and he cried the whole time. What is it about baby classes at 10 am?? Both of mine were almost always asleep at that time.
