Sunday, March 20, 2011


i was mistaken...  baby girl has TWO teeth peeking through the gum!
she's been wearing her amber teething necklace for a while, but it is time to break out some of the other tools.  i do still need to pick up some hyland's teething tablets~  those are back on the shelves now, right?  RIGHT???!!!

currently in the arsenal: Gummy OilAngel Brushamber teething necklace


  1. Really cool composition, and awesome teething tools! That teething toy looks great - does it fit over the gums like a tray, kindof? And man, that oil *almost* makes me wish I still had a teething baby so I could try it. Almost.

    Happy teething!

  2. it's an angel brush~ like a combo teether/first toothbrush. hmmm, maybe i should add some links...

  3. Omg, clove oil, of course! Wish I had thought of that earlier. Oh well, 8 more to go for us, so still plenty of time to give it a try. Yes please to the links!

  4. i added a little note below the pic, with the products linked.
    i think it's amusing that the gummy oil, for use *in the mouth*, says to avoid ingestion. i'm sure it's a CYA thing and really means "don't drink this", but still...

  5. I agree, nice composition! Working it! Though I'm sorry to hear about Miss Ani's gums.
