Sunday, July 3, 2011


yesterday, baby girl was 9 months old.  initially, i had planned to do a post on the 16th about her having been on the outside as long as she was on the inside, since that would be 41 weeks from her birth. but i realized that she has now already been on the outside as long as she was inside.

lemme 'splain:
to get an estimated due date, they calculate 40 weeks from the start of your last menstrual period.  that means that, depending on your cycle length, at least two weeks of "pregnancy" occur before conception.
so, on paper, baby girl was born at 41 weeks gestation, but she had really only been inside for 39 weeks, and 39 weeks from her birth was yesterday.

Nine months In, Nine months Out.

moments after her arrival  
(photo by Patience Salgado)


  1. so sweet! Happy 9 months, Ani and mama! <3

  2. i thought i loved the bottom photo when I saw it, but I am even more in love the the top. Seeing the bond you two have established over the past nine months is beautiful and so very precious.
