Monday, August 15, 2011

simple, rustic

the husband and i got addicted to the original BBC version of Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares on netflix.  it's fucking awesome, yeah?!
one of the things that crack us up is that Gordon almost always tells the restaurant, regardless of style, that they need to get back to basics and cook "simple, rustic food".  we think there should be a drinking game where you drink whenever he says either "simple" or "rustic".
or the exasperated "fuck me".
anyway, the point is that when selecting my photos for today's post, i was reminded of the show~

first, the failing restaurant with crap food:
dry, tasteless...  70s crap at it's best.

then the restaurant is cleaned up...
clean kitchen, clean food

and the menu changed to include "simple, rustic" dishes, usually using local ingredients...
[tomatoes] are fantastic!!

all right, yeah?

1 comment:

  1. Hell's Kitchen drinking game would be better. 1 drink for "donkey", 2 drinks for "it's RAAAWWW!", 3 drinks for "it's BLAAAND!", 4 drinks for "shut it down!" and 5 drinks for every time he kicks a trashcan.
