Saturday, May 21, 2011


the eldest decided at the beginning of this past week that he wanted to have a lemonade stand.  the weather early in the week was pretty crappy, so we tried to mitigate his disappointment of not being able to do it *right then* by offering to do it on saturday (today) instead.  that way, he could use the rest of the week to plan and prepare.

first, he decided what he wanted to offer, and how he wanted his stand to look...
concept art was damaged during construction
then he decided on the measurements for how big the stand should be...
final structure not built to scale

then daddy helped him start building it on thursday...

finishing it on friday...

while the eldest painted the sign:

this morning, daddy helped him prepare baked goods (brownies and soft pretzels) and he made the lemonade, setting up for his grand opening at 1 PM.

ready for business

first customer, who arrived as daddy was putting the finishing touches on the menu signage below

best customers of the day, our awesome neighbors:

he also had several other people from the neighborhood (that we had not met) stop by and purchase items, so he ended up with ~$10 by closing time.  he's already asking to do it again, although i think his master baker wants a little break before round two.  

to see more business related fun, visit the flickr album.